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ci5ugf56u 2013-7-8 16:16
Anderson Cooper 360 I a cartoonist who portrays people as various types of animals. A sample of my work can be found in the ireport section. I use the alias for my online work, largely because I do political cartoons people seem to take party politics so very personally. The other night I saw the ...
308 次阅读|0 个评论
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张萌pv51 2013-7-5 16:36
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张萌pv51 2013-7-5 14:50
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355 次阅读|0 个评论
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张萌pv51 2013-7-5 13:06
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张萌pv51 2013-7-5 10:14
but also led students and parents common concern to the annual two of the country.   As a teacher to teach a math class in 20 years, How can we protect the interests of buyers and sellers on the basis of "fidelity" transaction? Some experts attending the meeting conducted in-depth discussion    " ...
346 次阅读|0 个评论
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遗失の美好 2013-7-1 20:48
新开的淘宝网店: http://city-peri.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.1000126.21.RBJGq3 希望大家多多光临小店哈 ,不买进去看看也行,来捧捧场 。在这里多谢各位了
345 次阅读|0 个评论
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小微 2013-6-7 14:26
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426 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 失落与激动
阿扎西 2013-5-24 18:29
激动是要要喝老婆一起回家了。老婆马上当妈妈了 失落是明天的考试压力好大。
613 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 夫妻的秘密
阿扎西 2013-5-24 11:23
有一对夫妻,老公正看着电视,啃着瓜子,忽然间 老婆 从厨房喊着:“老公,可不可以帮我修电灯?”   老公不耐烦的说:“我又不是水电工!”   没多久老婆又喊:“老公,可不可以帮我修冰箱?”   老公不耐烦的说:“我又不是电器维修工!”   又过了一会老婆又喊:“老公可不可以帮我修酒柜的门 ...
1390 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 身以何康,我的健康谁做主
1元生活易购 2013-5-10 07:44
每次去公司食堂吃饭,就是一次心灵的摧残,更是身体的摧残!看着油糊糊的米粉带着焦味,难看的油煎面团,再来一碗粥。天呐!除了碳水化合物还是碳水化合物,这些东西,填饱肚子的速度快,饿的也快。要知道不做体力劳动的人是不需要这么多的碳水化合物的,它在人体需要营养素中只占2%呀。我们吃 ...
610 次阅读|0 个评论

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